“The Mitsubishi Pajero Mini is a kei car produced by Mitsubishi Motors from December 1994 until June 2012. Soon after it was released it soon became very popular with the public and forced Mitsubishi to produce several different models with this VR-2 being the best specification available.- Kei Pajero- Three-piece road wheels- Full-service history- 20V intercooler Turbo”
Mitsubishi Pajero MINI VR-2 20V Turbo Kei Car for sale
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The Mitsubishi Pajero Mini is kei car produced by Mitsubishi Motors from December 1994 until June 2012. Soon after it was released it soon became very popular with the public and forced Mitsubishi to produce several different models with this VR-2 being the best specification available. - Kei Pajero- Three-piece road wheels- Full-service history- 20V intercooler Turbo
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